Ready to make your event magical?
10 ways to make your workshop or retreat stand out!
You’ve made it! You have an event coming up, and you can already see the magic happening.
Your tribe, all in one place, in a gorgeous setting.
The deep connections, transformations and breakthrough moments- and it all feels easy, authentic and fun.
The event flows with a feeling of bliss and peace- you know that everything is perfect, and your tribe is getting exactly what they need.
You are rocking it in your zone of genius. You have inspirational content, and your tribe is focused on receiving the message they need to hear.
It’s magical, isn’t it?
So, what are some things you need to think about to make this picture a reality? What do you need to do for your event to stand out, and to make sure everyone investing in the trip is having a meaningful, impactful and FUN experience?
Pick a naturally beautiful venue. You can absolutely make any space work (your message is the meaning!), but there is a particular beauty in simplicity. Decorations can be expensive and time consuming, and may not turnout how you picture them. It’s so helpful to pick a simple venue that already matches the energy of your event.
Be sure to incorporate plenty of breaks in your schedule. It’s easy to get sucked into your content, since that’s the most important part! But, in order for your tribe to experience the impact you’re striving to make, they need time to recharge and process and digest. This might mean half hour breaks every hour or two so they can be alone and recharge.
Organize optional activities the day before the official start date. This is an amazing ice breaker so your attendees can get to know each other. A hike or a group dinner will be a much more authentic way for your tribe to connect than a two-minute ice breaker!
Send out a detailed itinerary prior to the first day of the event. This should include directions from the airport to the event location, options for places to stay (if accommodations aren’t provided) and a breakdown of each day’s events. It’s an extra nice touch to add ideas of lunch & dinner options that meet different dietary preferences (ex: vegan, paleo) if food isn’t provided on-site.
Have welcome presents! These by no means have to be big or expensive, but should match the energy and interests of your audience. For example, if it’s a self-development conference focused on motivation, then provide journals and pencils with inspirational phrases on them. If it’s a yoga retreat, give out customized water bottles and yoga mat towels!
While you want to add your individual flair, be very picky about your vendors, and use as few as possible. The last thing you want to worry about is why the chair guy came two hours before the table guy, when the tablecloths have been sitting in the corner since yesterday. Less vendor means less coordinating, and less potential gaps where things go awry.
Along with using less vendors, make an event management itinerary (not just the schedule of events you give participants!). This should include when all the vendors are delivering the different parts of your event, and who is handling making sure the items arrived and will get them set up.
At least once, run through the entire event as a participant. This doesn’t mean just running through the event content, but actually creating their entire experience from arrival to departure. See if there are any weird gaps for guests. Was it awkward that you checked into the hotel and then had no idea where to go? Was it hard to find the event location? Should someone greet attendees when they walk into the room the morning of the event (since you might be off prepping!)? Getting these moments coordinated flawlessly ensures attendees focus on learning, growing and enjoying themselves instead of getting caught up worrying about small details or feeling uncomfortable during transition time.
Make sure you have time to connect with as many people one-on-one as possible. If the event is larger this obviously gets more difficult, but makes it even more important. Delegate as much as possible, and revise the event schedule if you need more time to re-energize. People likely came because of you, and more face time will make them feel more valued.
Always focus on the feeling your tribe is seeking at the event. If it’s a relaxing retreat at the beach, maybe you need more breaks or workshops by the ocean. If it’s an adventure in London, then find activities that let people explore- maybe even completing workbooks in different coffee shops!
Don’t forget- your content is the star! All of these tips keep the event flowing, and your tribe focused on the magic & message you’ve poured your heart and soul into!